Little Lilly
A student film directed by Sanket Tonde, with Gary Lok, Steve Kellum, Catt Molnar, Dominique Dalton, Reid Warburton and Christina Lai.
The story is about a tiny genius, Lilly and her passion for ice cream shows the world what her brain is capable of.
Story : Sanket Tone
Storyboarding : Christina Lai, Dominique Dalton, Steve Kellum
Concept Art : Christina Lai, Dominique Dalton,
Sanket Tone
Character Design : Dominique Dalton, Sanket Tone
Character Modeling : Sanket Tone, Steve Kellum
Modeling : Christina Lai, Gary Lok, Reid Warburton,
Steve Kellum
Shading & Texturing : Christina Lai, Sanket Tone,
Steve Kellum
Rigging : Christina Lai, Sanket Tone
Animation : Catt Molnar, Dominique Dalton, Gary Lok, Sanket Tone, Steve Kellum
Compositing : Dominique Dalton, Steve Kellum
Sound Effects : Jared Sclar
Responsible for Concept Art, Storyboard, Color Stylist, Model, Rigging, Rendering.
Software : Maya, Adobe After Effects
Render : Arnold
Poster by Sanket Tonde
Behind the scene
Ice-cream Truck
The Ice Cream Man’s chosen mode of transportation, the Ice Cream Truck is an integral part of the story behind Little Lilly. So important, in fact, that it was seen as a character on its own and required a lot of attention.
Concept Art
Animation test by Steve Kellum
The vibrant world of Little Lilly was made with a suburban setting in mind. The suburb is the home to a majority of our story and consists of multiple houses of different shapes and sizes to make the world more unique and grand.
Concept Art
When the Little Lilly Crew was discussing the implementation of a giant robot as part of the film, they decided that they needed to include an equally large setting for it to play in. This led to the creation of a cityscape that would connect to the town. While parts of the city are still included in the final version, many of the models and the design of the city was changed to fit that of the town instead after the Mech was taken out of the film.
Sketch model of world layout
Color test
Lilly's lab concept art
Lilly's neighbourhood model